
If you’ve got any questions, feedback or comments about what we do or any of our events, please get in touch!

Please email us at

Instagram: @oxforduni_isoc


Note: Please read our current Prayer Room protocols here.

Our Prayer Room

Robert Hooke Building,
Parks Rd,



Where is the prayer room located and who can use it?

The Muslim Prayer Room is located in the Robert Hooke Building, which is opposite Keble College on Parks Road. It is open to students, staff, people from the community and those visiting Oxford who need a space to pray. To access the Prayer Room please message a Committee member for the code.

Who can join the ISoc?

Everyone is welcome at the ISoc, regardless of your background or how religious you are, we have a diverse range of events and a welcoming community where you’ll be sure to find a place to fit in.

How do I become a member of the OUISoc?

There is no membership fee for the ISoc, simply sign up to our mailing list to become a member.

How can we organise a school visit?

To organise a school visit or a tour run by the ISoc please contact our Access Officer by email. Details can be found on our Committee page.

Can the ISoc help me find accommodation?

The ISoc has a Accommodation Facebook Group where people are free to advertise and seek available accommodation in Oxford . Find out more about accommodation in Oxford here.


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We regularly share information on upcoming events and post photos to go with them.