How we can help
Everyone in Oxford has moments when things get tough, whether it’s related to work, friends, homesickness or anything else. The ISoc runs a welfare scheme to ease these problems.
Our designated Welfare Officers can offer a helping hand with any problems you might face. We aim to match all freshers with a designated Mentor, an elder student who studies a similar subject to them who can help ease them into the fast pace of Oxford.
As well as this, the ISoc functions like a huge family and everyone looks out for each other, so there is always someone willing to look out for you.
Meet our Welfare Officers
Our designated Welfare Officers can offer a helping hand with any problems you might face. You can also talk to someone in your college.
Salma Ahmed
1st Year | Law | New College
Assalamu'Alaykum! I'm Salma, I study Law at New College and I'll be your Sisters Welfare and Social Officer this year. Alhamdulilah, I found such a lovely, enduring sisterhood in Oxford, and my role is to foster that in all of you. I'm so excited to organise fun events, and I really do hope to be a port of call if you ever need a chat, a hug, or a coffee (I make a notoriously good oat vanilla latte) <3
Dahen Kheder
1st year | Medicine | Oriel College
Assalamualaikum! I’m Dahen, and I’ll be the Brothers’ Welfare and Social Officer. I’ll do my best to organise some fun events for everyone and be a point of contact if you’re facing any personal or academic problems. :)
Nabeeha Toufiq
Msc | Global Health and Epidemiology | Green Templeton College
My name is Nabeeha, and I’m the Graduate Welfare & Social Officer. My role is to look after the Graduate community and plan some exciting events this year.
I'm currently studying a Master's in Global Health Science and Epidemiology at Green Templeton College- I’m also a medical student at King’s College London so I have lots of uni experience under my belt!
I'm looking forward to working OUISoc and all the events that will be taking place in the coming year, insha'Allah. Feel free to contact me about anything and I will try my best to help as much as I can
Muslim Chaplaincy:
Sheikh Ibrahim Amin, the Imam at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, is our designated Muslim Chaplain at the University of Oxford. (ibrahim.amin@oxcis.ac.uk)
Nadiya Takolia is our contact for female chaplaincy who is also providing support to students in the ISoc. (takolia_n@hotmail.co.uk)
They are open to all students who wish to discuss any issues with them confidentially and can be contacted via their emails.
University Counselling Service
The University also offers an excellent counselling service for students and staff.
Mission statement: “The Counselling Service is here to help you gain understanding and insight into any difficulties you may be experiencing, to develop emotional resilience and put into effect real change, enabling you to fulfil your academic and personal potential. The Service offers free and confidential support, but it is not an emergency service.”
Student-Led Support
There are a range of student-led services available to provide support for academic and personal worries and that allow you to discuss any problems you have in confidence. Your can also talk to your college’s own Welfare Reps (part of its JCR).