OUISoc School Visits

The Oxford University Islamic Society (OUISoc) Access Team is able to facilitate school visits incomings (where schools come to visit Oxford), and outgoing (where the OUISoc Access Team goes to schools either in-person or virtually).


School visits incomings:

The OUISoc Access Team is unfortunately not able to arrange and organise a full-day trip. However, we can reach out to your school’s regional college and liaise between your school and the college to see if a visit can be arranged. Generally, such visits to colleges often includes:

-       Tour of the college

-       Presentation by the college’s access team about the application process

-       Presentation by the OUISoc Access Team, members and volunteers

-       Q&A Session


School visits outgoings:

The Access Team is able to visit schools either in-person or virtually. Our presentation covers the following:

-       The role of OUISoc

-       The Oxbridge system (breakdown of the application process; and tutorial system)

-       Our ‘Oxford Journeys’ (our subject volunteers share their own personal experiences from the application process, moving in and settling in at Oxford)

-       Q&A Session



In both instances, we can tailor our presentation to meet subject preferences, or whether to focus on the application process (any specific part) or the student life at Oxford as a Muslim. We also encourage parents/careers to get involved and we can engage with them too.


More information about the University of Oxford’s regional outreach scheme can be found here.


If you are interested in a school visit, please complete the form below.