Visit our YouTube channel for recorded lectures as well as post-uni and freshers’ advice, events such as Discover Islam Week and more!
Ramadan Series 2020: Metaphors in the Qur’an
A virtual Ramadan programme that explored metaphors that can be found in different sections of the Qur’an, through a series of 14 talks.
Over the month, we were joined by a variety of scholars and students, as we explored a range of different Surahs and Ayaat. A number kindly agreed to let us record their sessions which are available below.
Full Playlist (6 episodes recorded):
Experiences of Muslim Women
In celebration of International Women's Day, the Oxford University Islamic Society created a short video highlighting the experiences and reflections of 4 Muslim women.
Female Scholars in Islam – Shaykh Mohammed Akram Nadwi
An introduction to the lost legacy of Female Scholars in Islam and its impact on today's world.
Last year, Oxford Islamic Society was pleased to welcome Shaykh Muhammed Akram Nadwi to talk about his book “Al-Muhaddithat”, a 52 volume book on the biographies of women Hadith Scholars in Islam.
Reconstructing the Muslim Mind – Shaykh Yasir Qadhi
Priorities. Priorities. Priorities.
Where are your priorities?
Oxford University Islamic Society presents “Reconstructing the Muslim Mind”. Delve into the Muslim mind with Shaykh Yasir Qadhi and discover the key to living a successful life in the West.
This talk was recorded on Sunday the 1st of February in Oxford. Shaykh Yasir addresses some of the contemporary issues facing Islam and the need for reconstruction.
The Speaker:
Yasir Qadhi is one of the foremost Muslim intellectuals in the US. He combined studies in Chemical Engineering and the Islamic Sciences at various renowned universities, of them the University of Houston, the Islamic University of Madinah and Yale University. Currently he is teaching at Rhodes College, in Memphis, TN.